Dead Tales RP is an engaging roleplay experience.
It combines the core Zomboid gameplay with something akin to a Dungeons and Dragons West Marches type campaign.
The server mods and settings are curated to create a hostile world in which player interaction is vital.
Resources are scarce, the world is colder than usual and there hasn't been working water or power in 10 years. This creates an environment in which a solo player is unlikely to thrive, setting the scene for teamwork and treachery.
Any person you meet could be your salvation, one of the last few good people in the world that is willing to help nurse your wounds, or they could be a blood-thirst bandit poised to bash your head in with a crowbar and eat your last tin of beans.
The server originally came about as the private server for Voraktee's stream community, however it is evolving into more than that.
Why have you come here?
Dead Tales RP is set 10 years after the apocalypse in Kentucky, where it all began.
You are new to the region, having migrated from elsewhere.
Are you a travelling mercenary? Looking to spill blood in exchange for food, services and revenge?
Are you seeking refuge? Escaping a failed colony elsewhere, or perhaps pursued by tyranny.
Are you simply a trader with a backpack full of scrap? Exchanging what you can to get by?
Whatever your story is, you'll find all sorts in Kentucky.
Want to check it out?
Thursday nights are stream nights. All our content creators hop on and play together. This is typically when a lot of the action happens.
We aim to create an awesome roleplay experience for the players, content creators and spectators alike. As such, we want to grow our core dedicated playerbase and inject some new blood into our private community.
If this sounds like something you'd like to be a part of, please consider applying!
What makes this server unique?
You are the storyteller
The lifeblood of our server is the creativity of the community. You know better than anybody who your character is and what they want, and our moderation team wants to help make that happen.
Do you want to go on a quest to discover something special to you? We'll make it happen.
Are you playing someone who has a cool ability unique to the region? We have talented coders who are able to make custom mods.
Fancy fighting a group of bandits for their juicy loot? We'll make sure they're in the right place at the right time.
Quests and rumours
Anybody who has played a Zomboid multiplayer world long enough knows that stuff runs out. Nails, welding rods, engine parts. Stuff like this is invaluable, and we try to inject these items back into the world in ways that are lore-appropriate.
For example, do you find yourself unable to get a vehicle running? Talk to someone at Sunny's bar and they might have seen a truck on patrol recently that looks like it could be operational again with a little bit of effort.
Our quests allow us to put the items necessary back into the world without the broken immersion of admins spawning a bunch of stuff directly into your inventory.
Content focus
A large part of our community is made of up of streamers and video producers.
Most major events are captured by someone, and we all get to keep up to date with the interesting stuff around the world even if not present in-character.
Because of this, we try to hand-wave as little as possible. Discussing the game out of character on the discord is no problem, but we encourage players to engage one another in-game as much as possible.
Invite only
We try to screen players before they enter the server, and generally prefer personal connections or recommendations.
There's a couple reasons for this.
Predominantly, it's to keep the experience clean for immersion and content purposes. Harassment and abuse are not tolerated and we're not afraid to permanently remove anybody that makes others uncomfortable.
We also personally invest a lot of time and effort into this server and we're not interested in seeing it spoiled by someone who is more interested in destruction than creation.
That said, even if you're a stranger please don't hesitate to apply! Content creators and players that have roleplay experience are preferred, but if this is your first step into the world of long-form roleplay, we'd love to show you the ropes.
Server Rules
Respect other players and storytellers.
Swear words are tolerated, slurs/personal attacks are not.
If it is not clear to you what is appropriate to say to another human being, this server may not be right for you.
Stick within the play area. If you're unclear what the area is, consult the map.
Stay in character as much as possible.
Death is permanent (with an exception in PvP circumstances).
Your subsequent characters do not know the location of your body/base, unless there is an approved in-character reason you would know.
Have a character idea in mind. Who are they? What are their goals? What are their motives? If you need help coming up with this, ask for suggestions in the discord.
Your character idea can be a little silly, but don't go too far. Conversely, don't go too edgy. Just be concious that their is a balance.
Separate your character knowledge from your player knowledge.
Restricted traits
The following traits are restricted due to bugs/balance:
Antique Collector
If you take one of these traits by accident, a mod can help you swap it out for something else.
PVP and general antagonism are permitted on the server.
Please make sure you read the following carefully, especially the section on the PvP player death exception.
Direct PvP must be escalated in RP. You may not shoot a stranger on sight.
Don't attack players with their hands up.
No offline base raiding or car theft. If you're not sure who's base it is, don't touch it.
Be reasonable in your antagonism. If you're going to rob someone in the street, take the stuff from their backpack you actually need. Don't jsut grab the whole thing and run away with it.
Deaths causd by PvP do not count. A player that dies in a PvP scenario is granted the option to choose if they die, or are knocked unconscious. The survivors of a PvP encounter are allowed to move the body/take items as they choose, and the unconcious player will be respawned as soon as a moderator is available.
You can imprison a player character for a maximum for 24 in-game hours before they're allowed to attempt to escape. They need to be logged in for at least half of this.
The exception to this is if allies of that player come to rescue them.
Behave how a person who values their own life would behave. If someone has a weapon pointed at you, pulling your own weapon would be a good justification for them to attack.
Loot is scarce and currently does not respawn automatically. Be willing to trade and interact with others to get certain items, and don't hoard things you don't immediately need.
Don't leave trash on the ground. You can delete items in bins/dumpsters, or put it on zombie bodies to despawn. That said, try not to remove items that can be used by others for crafting (nails, planks etc.)
Don't deconstruct 'container' type furniture in buildings to level your skills. This can break respawning items.
If you have an idea, talk to us! We encourage all sorts of cool interpretations of the base game, so let us know what you want to do and we'll see how we can facilitate it.
Ashenwood is considered the 'beginner area'. Once you have enough supplies to move onto the next area, you shouldn't need to loot it again.
Watching streams/content is part of the joy of this community. Don't use this to metagame however, your character only knows what they perceive through their actions/conversations.
Server settings
The server is set 10 years after the apocalypse, and the server settings are intended to reflect that.
Extremely rare loot, no respawn except in specific areas
Infection is bite-only
Weather is colder
Cars are in worse condition and generally require repairs to get running
Power and water are off
Zombies are tougher, but respawn infrequently
Guns and ammo, especially in higher calibres are hard to come by
These are the mods the server is currently running. We are open to suggestions on what to add, as well as custom mods.
10 Years Later
Autostar Motorclub
Autostar Trailers
Barbed Wire Ccrafting
Barricaded World
Become Desensitized
Better Lockpicking
Better Radio Mod
Brita's Armor Pack
Brita's Weapon Pack
Bushcraft Gear - Tools
C.O.N. Research & Testing Facility
Claim Non Residential Buildings
Crops Never Rot
Dubs Profession Mod
Diederik's Tile Palooza
Dylan's Tiles
Easy Packing for Vanilla
Extra Map Symbols
ExtraNoise Newburbs Tiles
ExtraSauce Instant Consolidate
Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars
Fluffy Hair
Fuel API
Jump Through Windows
Keep That Radio ON!
Key Ring Trophies
Lake Ivy Township
More Traits
NoctisFalco's Quality of Life
Noir's Attachments
Noir's Rifle Slings
Out the Window
PaperWyvern's Sleepingbags
Playable Arcade Machines
Player Connection Message
Profession Framework
Rain Wash
Red Owl Inn Gas Station
Scrap Weapons
Custom Server Intro
Skull Mask Bandana
Snow Is Water
Spongie's Hair
Spray Paint Mod
The Workshop
Trash and Corpses
TrueActions Dancing
Vehicle Recycling
Vehicle Repair OVerhaul
Vehicle Salvage
Water Dispenser
Weapon Condition Indicator
Working Treadmill
Worse Vehicle Condition
Yaki's Makeshift Clothing
Zombie Virus Vaccine for MultiPlay
Zombrews Cocktails
Player Stories
Coming soon...
Playable area
To encourage random player interaction as well as scarcity of resources, we restrict players to only a portion of the total map.
This playable area may be expanded upon over time, but currently serves as the 'hard' limit to where you can and can't go.
Players spawn in on the Eastern Road and are welcome to spread out from there.
Custom spawn locations are available on request.
Made by MiamiOverlord
Current Factions
Coming soon...
Join us!
To join the server you'll need to fill out a survey so we can get some information about you and the kind of player you are. You can do that here.
Once complete, hop onto our Discord and head over to the #request-access channel and drop a line.
We'll check out the application and let you know how it goes